Friday, 7 June 2013

An end to the first week

Today brought an end to the first week of the placement. What a week, I am amazed at how tired I am, the constant adrenalin used for all the new experiences needs replenishing. The week was brought to an end with the introduction to the practice of mindfulness. 

If this week has made me realise anything it is that I will need a way to compartmentalize work and family to ensure that I am able to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Having this space to reflect and consolidate my experiences is definitely useful, but I can see that aspects of mindfulness will be useful as a way of maintaining calm when I feel life setting the pace instead of me setting the pace!

Today also brought my first entries to my learning log which is where I will, over the year, evidence my achievement (maybe...hopefully?!?) of the Teacher's Standards. Although I had not achieved many of them it was a good exercise in making links between practice and the standards. 

Now, for a weekend of relaxing, shopping and fretting about the imminent degree award...

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